Robin de Voh
there's never enough stories

I May Have A Focus Problem

By Robin de Voh on 2018-09-23

I promised Fortnightlies. I did not deliver. I intended to write more over the past year. I did not do so.

On the one hand it's disappointing, but on the other it's telling of how I've been approaching writing the past few years.

October through November is writing season for me. Before I completed my first NaNoWriMo novel in 2015, I had gone through a few years of hardly doing any writing at all. Doing NaNoWriMo actually helped me get back to writing at all.

With Nanoprep and NaNoWriMo combined, I write 20+ stories and a (partial, at least) novel per year. Since 2015, I've written 60+ stories, and 3 (partial, at least) novels.

So I'm deciding not to be as disappointed as I originally felt I should be. Or, you know, at all.

Today I refresh my site -- light header, night mode, renamed some categories -- and admit the above on that refreshed site.

Between today and the end of September I work on an app I've been needlessly twiddling my thumbs at for the past year and get it done. At least enough to function as the writing aid it's supposed to be.

What that app is for? Well...

October 1st, Nanoprep starts. 20 days of writing. Then I have the rest of October to do planning for my NaNo novel.

November 1st, NaNoWriMo starts and I'll start with a premise, basic outlines for characters and situations and at least the first third of the action loosely outlined.

December 1st, I get some reprieve during the holiday season.

And in 2019, I'll be launching a beta version of my app to the public. Because it's good, you guys.

Now to make my writing as good.

Nanoprep's focus is variety and getting out of my comfort zone. NaNoWriMo focus is quality over quantity.

It'll be interesting.